March 2008
Cure for pain
Where is the ritual And tell me where where is the taste Where is the sacrifice And tell me where where is the faith Someday there’ll be a cure for pain That’s the day I throw my drugs away When they find a cure for pain Where is the cave Where the wise woman went…
Zamisli život
(Zamislite) Zamisli život u kome nosiš nove cipele Zamisli da voziš nešto drugo osim zastave Zamisli život drugačiji od ovog i igraj, igraj, igraj fonko! Zamisli život u kome nosiš nove cipele. (Idemo dalje) Zmisli život sa devizama u bankama (to ne mogu ni da zamislim) Zamisli da benzin ne kupuješ u kantama (Zar može…